Some Basics To Pay Heed To In Order To Keep Your Pin Safe

Just like your credit card, your debit card can be subjected to frauds and hence can be compromised. Like your credit card your debit card can be subjected to frauds if the information is accessed by fraudulent agencies. Hence primarily the pin of the debit card needs to be kept safe and should be used under utmost security. In this article we shall be discussing various means to keep your debit card pin safe.
Do not keep an obvious pin-

It is important that you go on to choose a Pin that is not at all obvious. Many people tend to go for obvious pins as that is an easy way to remember things. This is why it is observed that people go for birth date, or a wedding anniversary date, or phone number, which are pretty obvious pins and that does not take much time to consider. So make sure that you go for something complicated, random or less obvious.

Make sure that you use different pins for different cards and keep changing the pins every now and then-

Make sure that you do not use the same PIN for all your different cards. Make sure that you use different PIN for different cards.
Never to share pins with anyone-

It may seem very normal to trust and rely on a friend or a family member with the PIN, however it is not at all advisable as because information may unwittingly slip on to someone and this may land you in some serious trouble. Circumstances may lead people to conduct activities that otherwise may seem highly unlikely, nay impossible for them to do.

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